Our Responsibility

Safety and Quality

All of our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure adherence to strict product quality standards.


Botanicals are derived from plants and have a long history of popular use. For thousands of years, people have looked to the power of nature for their medicinal and therapeutic properties for treating aches and pains and enhancing overall wellness.

Today, we use a variety of traditional botanicals, sourced from suppliers that meet our Quality Assurance Standards, to develop unique formulations and proprietary blends for consumers looking for safe, alternative wellness solutions.

At LEVO Naturals, we believe in the transformative benefits of natural remedies and are committed to crafting the highest quality, plant-based products to nourish the mind, body, and soul.


Product safety and quality is at the heart of our growth strategy. All innovations and products at LEVO Naturals are developed and tested with input and oversight from a cross-functional team of scientists, quality experts and manufacturing specialists.

As part of our commitment to quality, we have integrated robust quality management systems that monitor performance and purity, and we use both internal and third-party audits to ensure compliance with our product standards.

All of our products undergo rigorous scientific testing.  We are proud to work closely with some of the world’s leading scientists and researchers in the field of natural health products, botanicals and nutraceuticals.

Marketing and Regulation

We support appropriate regulation that establishes industry-wide product standards and provides quality and safety assurance to consumers. We believe regulatory frameworks should be based on robust science, provide adult consumers with essential information to make informed choices, and recognize potential unintended consequences.

For Kratom products, we support the adoption of the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA), a model regulatory framework that sets verifiable product standards, adopts GMP guidelines, and establishes minimum age requirements.

Our goal is to work constructively with the FDA and elected government officials to implement a comprehensive national regulatory framework for all kratom products.

Environmental Stewardship

We work to continuously reduce our impact on the environment across all of our operations.

Protecting the Environment

At LEVO, we are committed to making a positive impact on the environment. We believe that taking care of the planet is not only our responsibility but also crucial for our long-term sustainability as a business. As a result, we have implemented several initiatives that focus on protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint.

One of our most significant efforts to protect the environment is our commitment to using sustainable and eco-friendly packaging. We understand that packaging waste is a major problem, and we believe that we can play a role in addressing it. As a result, we continue to drive towards using fully recyclable and biodegradable packaging for our products.


In addition to these initiatives, we are also committed to promoting sustainable and ethical practices throughout our supply chain. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards of sustainability and environmental responsibility. We choose suppliers who prioritize sustainable and eco-friendly practices in their operations, from the ingredients they use to the way they transport their products.

Our Commitment

At our company, we believe that protecting the environment is not only the right thing to do but also good for business. Our commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness is reflected in our products, our operations, and our partnerships. We are proud to be a leader in environmental stewardship, and we will continue to invest in initiatives that protect the planet and reduce our carbon footprint.

We recognize that there is still much work to be done to protect the environment, and we are committed to doing our part. We are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to reduce our impact on the planet, and we are excited about the possibilities of sustainable technologies and practices. We hope that our efforts inspire others to take action and join us in the fight to protect the environment. Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable future for all.

Corporate Responsibility

The highest standard of ethical conduct guides all of our relationships with partners, neighbors, and customers.

Suppliers & Sourcing

At LEVO, we believe that it is our responsibility to operate in a sustainable and ethical manner as a dietary supplement, plant medicine, and botanical beverage company. We are committed to protecting the environment and the communities we work with, while delivering high-quality and effective products to our customers.

Respecting Natural Habitats and Ecosystems

We understand that the health of our planet is essential to our success as a company. That's why we are committed to sourcing our ingredients responsibly, ensuring that we respect the natural habitats and ecosystems that we harvest from. We work closely with local communities and experts to identify the most sustainable and ethical ways to source our ingredients. We select our suppliers and partners based on their commitment to environmental stewardship and ethical practices, and we regularly audit and review their operations to ensure that they continue to meet our high standards.

In addition, we are committed to protecting endangered species and plants. We do not use any ingredients that are listed as endangered or threatened under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). We also actively seek out alternatives to ingredients that are over-harvested or endangered.

Supporting the Well-being of Local People

We believe that our success should not come at the expense of the people and communities we work with. We are committed to creating economic opportunities and ensuring that local farmers, growers, and communities benefit from our business. We partner with local organizations to help support education, healthcare, and economic development in the communities where we operate. We also work to ensure that our sourcing and manufacturing practices adhere to local labor laws, and we do not support child labor.

Ensuring Safety and Quality

The safety and quality of our products are of utmost importance to us. We ensure that our products meet or exceed industry standards for quality and safety. Our manufacturing facilities are certified and regularly audited by third-party organizations to ensure compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and other industry regulations. We use only natural and organic ingredients, and our products are free from harmful chemicals and additives.


As a responsible company, we comply with all applicable local laws and regulations. We also adhere to ethical standards and guidelines, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), to ensure that our business practices are transparent and fair. We do not offer or accept bribes, kickbacks, or other unethical inducements in exchange for business.

Protecting the Environment

We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and reducing our carbon footprint. We actively seek out ways to reduce waste and conserve resources in all areas of our business, from sourcing and manufacturing to packaging and shipping. We use eco-friendly packaging materials and work to minimize the use of plastics and other non-recyclable materials.

Inspiring Change

We believe that our business has the power to inspire change and make a positive impact in the world. We are committed to raising awareness about the importance of sustainability, ethical sourcing, and social responsibility in the dietary supplement, plant medicine, and botanical beverage industry. We actively engage with our customers, partners, and communities to promote environmental and social initiatives and encourage others to join us in our mission.

In conclusion, at LEVO, we are committed to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner as a dietary supplement, plant medicine, and botanical beverage company. We respect the natural habitats and ecosystems we harvest from, support the well-being of local people, ensure safety and quality, comply with local laws and ethical standards, and protect the environment. We are proud of our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, and we look forward to continuing to make a positive impact in the world.